Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy May!

Last evening, five of us met at Symposium Restaurant for our monthly dinner meeting. We discussed our respective writing journeys and covered a variety of topics, among them Twitter, Facebook and tattooing. We ended with a Twitter exercise. Each of us composed a tweet pitch for our upcoming novels.

I left inspired to continue writing and editing my work.

Upcoming contests...

May 15

Writers Digest Competition--Enter your best fiction, nonfiction, poetry and more in this annual contest hosted by Writer's Digest. You could win $3,000 in cash, get an agent and a paid trip to the Writer's Digest Conference in New York City. The contest fee is $25. Save $5 and take advantage of the early bird deadline--May 1st.

May 28

Peter Hinchliffe Fiction Award--The $1000 top prize will be awarded for a work of short fiction by a Canadian writer who has not yet published a first novel or short story collection. All submissions will be considered for paid publication ($250) in The New Quarterly. Entry fee is $40.

May 31

Poetry Anthology Contest--The Niagara Branch of the Canadian Authors Association is holding its Poetry Anthology Contest for Ontario residents. The entry fee is $15 for up to three poems and $4 for each additional poem.

Sheldon Currie Fiction Prize--Sponsored by Antigonish Press. Submit stories on any subject. Total entry must not exceed 20 pages. Entry fee is $25 in Canada, $30 in the United States. All other countries: $40 (U.S. Funds)

June 30

Great Blue Heron Poetry Contest--Sponsored by Antigonish Press. Submit poems on any subject. Total entry must not exceed four pages. Maximum length: 150 lines. Entries could be one longer poem or several shorter ones. Entry fee is $25 in Canada, $30 in the United States. All other countries: $40 (U.S. Funds)

Writers of the Future Contest --There is no entry fee.  They welcome all types of science fiction, fantasy and dark fantasy up to 17,000 words.

Written by Joanne Guidoccio