Upcoming Events and Contests...
- On March 18, Cindy Carroll and the Guelph Write Now group will have a poetry workshop at Lucie's Restaurant. The session starts at 1:00 p.m.
- The deadline for the Gemini Short Story Contest is March 31st. The contest fee is $4 and there are no restrictions on content, style, genre or length.
- The deadline for the Ten Stories High Short Story Contest is March 31st. The stories can be of any genre and between 1000 and 3000 words in length. The entry fee is $15.
- The deadline for the Grain Magazine Writing Contest is April 1st. The contest fee of $35 includes a free subscription to the magazine. They are looking for poetry (up to 100 lines) and fiction (up to 2500 words). $4500 in prizes to be won!