Monday, February 13, 2012

Literary Fiction vs Commercial Fiction

At our monthly dinners, we have often discussed the differences between literary and commercial fiction. While we have shared many ideas, we haven't been able to pin it down and come up with a satisfactory explanation.

I would like to share Brian Henry's explanation which he gave at Saturday's editing workshop.

He started by asking the question: Is your writing closer to that of Margaret Atwood or Danielle Steel? These authors represent the extreme ends of the continuum.

He then went on to explain the difference between the two types of writing.

Literary fiction deals with deeper and more accurate psychological coverage. There is also more original use of language. The reader gets to know the characters very well.

Commercial fiction has fast-moving plots and the writing is seamless. The author does not want the reader to stop and think about it. She wants the reader to continue reading and not be able to put it down.

Any thoughts?

Written by Joanne Guidoccio·

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Happy February!

Last night, six of us met at Symposium Restaurant for our monthly dinner meeting. The conversation was a lively one as we discussed our writing journeys and shared advice on writing query letters. As always, I left inspired to continue writing.

Upcoming events and contests...
  • On Wednesday, February 8th , the Friends of the GPL present Zumba in the Pool with Carlos! at the main branch of the Guelph Public Library. The play starts at 7:00 p.m.
  • The deadline for the Postcard Story Competition sponsored by the Writers' Union of Canada is February 14. Use humour, poetry, create a short, snappy piece of 250 words. The winning entry will receive $750 and publication in Write. For an example of a winning entry, read "The Invasion of the Snotty Badgers" by Karin Weber. Get more details about submission here.
  • The deadline for The Binnacle's Free Ultra-Short Competition for prose or poetry is February 15. All entries must be no more than 150 words or 16 lines per poem. There is no fee. Full contest details can be found here.
  • On Thursday, February 16th, the Guelph Guild Storytellers presents The Art of Storytelling, starting at 7:00 p.m. at the main branch of the Guelph Public Library.
  • On Thursday, February 23rd and Friday, February 24th, the University of Guelph presents Writers Workshop 2012.
  • On Thursday, February 23rd, Melinda Burns will facilitate a Poetry Workshop, starting at 7:00 p.m. at the main branch of the Guelph Public Library.
  • On Monday, February 27th, there will be a Grant Writing for Community & Multidisciplinary Arts, starting at 7:00 p.m. at the main branch of the Guelph Public Library.
  • The deadline for the Toronto Star Short Story Contest is Sunday, February 26th. The winner will receive $5000 plus tuition for Humber's 30-week writing correspondence program. Second and third prize winners will receive $2000 and $1000 respectively.
  • The deadline for the Grain Magazine Writing Contest is April 1st. The contest fee of $35 includes a free subscription to the magazine. They are looking for poetry (up to 100 lines) and fiction (up to 2500 words). $4500 in prizes to be won!
Written by Joanne Guidoccio